Punching Bags And Tips For Making Good Purchase

The boxing bags are the main material for the training of the boxers. Currently there are many punching bags for all types of boxers. Below are the keys to know which is best reflex bags for each person.Nowadays, training with punching bags is very common.  For such use, it is not necessary to be a boxing practitioner. There are many more sports or martial arts in which you will use a punching bag for your training.
best reflex bag

Maybe, you're interested in having your own bag, to do boxing training at home . You may just want to relieve yourself when you arrive from work, or to train some combinations of your favorite sport or martial art. There are heavy, lighter, pear-shaped bags for practicing hooks, standing bags, and several more.

Types of punching bags
These are some of the types of punching bags:

Polyvalent Sack : This bag is ideal for home, to leave it hanging in the room or wherever you want. This bag should weigh half of the person who uses it more or less and be suspended at the height of the person's waist. The sack should not be too hard to avoid injuries, but neither should it be soft. With this bag the blows are worked.best reflex bag

Sack Heavy: With these bags works the position of the legs especially. These bags are good for practicing leg play because it moves less when hitting it and makes it possible to work more hard movements and strokes.

Light Bag: This bag is shaped like a pear and its weight should be around 15% of the boxer. This bag is good for working the reflexes because when hitting the bag moves a lot and must dodge.
For each type of boxer it is important to choose a type of bag. For strong boxers the best thing is a heavy bag, for fast boxers a light bag is better and for neutral boxers a polyvalent bag is good.

Advantages and disadvantages of sacks

The main advantage of punching bags is that they can be used at any time without the need to prepare anything. In addition to the boxers who have had an injury recently it is best to use a bag for recovery because the blows are not very hard and help a lot to recover.
  •  Eliminate tensions.
  • Helps improve cardiovascular health by doing exercises increase blood  circulation and this improves the respiratory system and reduces blood pres
  • Being an aerobic workout, boxing burns more fats.
  • Improve your security: feeling able to perform different and complicated combinations, increases your personal satisfaction.
On the other hand, the stuffing of the bag also influences a lot for your training due to the sensations that said bag transmits to you when you are hit. It is not the same to hit a sack filled with 1 kg of sand to hit a sack filled with water. For this reason the fillings tend to be very varied and have evolved over time.
best reflex bag

The sawdust and the sand caught moisture, little by little they were sneaking into the bottom of the bag or deteriorated with the use. Nowadays, fillings of both cheap quality and very expensive quality are used, such as: Sacks filled with cloth, water or special gel balls ideal for such training, among others.

Water generates a more realistic and more similar to the human body, in addition bags with this filling are usually much cheaper, but the seams of the camera end up deteriorating during use giving space to leakage when the bag is broken. However, people who have a lot of time practicing or have suffered from injuries or have them, prefer to opt for this type of filler because it is the least aggressive for the body.

In other cases, there are training bags that come with their padding included, in these models the manufacturers usually use granulated synthetic materials which have a great compromise between weight and resistance. If the bag comes to you perfect filling, but if you have bought one empty and you have to fill it, so that the solution does not come out so expensive and you can obtain a good result, it is advisable that you use pieces of fabrics, old sheets, leather, etc. 

In case you did not know, it is the option that most people choose when they buy an empty bag. The most important thing before buying your punching bag is that you be honest with yourself and have clear reasons why you need to buy one of these reflex bags, only then you can make a good purchase. 

Instead of acquiring a punching bag of 200 Euros just to take off your stress weekly, you can better get a pendant of medium price, especially if you're still starting with these workouts. You could also evaluate a second-hand bag that is in good condition.

But if you are an advanced practitioner who seeks to improve a certain technique or who already knows their movements perfectly, do not think twice and acquire one specifically that renews your techniques and you will see how quickly you notice the differences.


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